Redaktor naczelny portalu podzielił się z czytelnikami swojej strony doświadczeniami z posiadania Tesli Model X, która posiada jeden z najwyższych przebiegów ze wszystkich EV na świecie – ponad 400 000 mil (ok. 650 000 km).
Tesla Model X z ogromny przebiegiem
Fred Lambert, bo o nim mowa, nieco ponad 2 miesiące temu kupił jedną z najtańszych i najbardziej wysłużonych Tesli Model X w historii. Samochód ten służy jako świetne studium przypadku dotyczące żywotności samochodów elektrycznych, w szczególności pojazdów Tesli, a portal co jakiś czas publikuje artykuły i filmy opisujące ten samochód. Ostatnio na stronie został zamieszczony wpis dotyczy historii napraw i konserwacji Modelu X.
Powodem, dla którego ten Model X z 2016 roku ma już ponad 400 000 mil na liczniku, jest to, że był on własnością Tesloop i od lat służył do transportu klientów między Los Angeles i San Diego. Firma Tesloop prowadziła książkę serwisową pojazdu (tabela na końcu artykułu), gdzie zapisywane były wszystkie naprawy samochodu.
Przez 4 lata użytkowania samochodu na naprawy wydano 29 000 USD, co wydaje się być naprawdę sporą kwotą, aczkolwiek biorąc pod uwagę tak duży przebieg, ta kwota nie jest nieuzasadniona.
Większość tradycyjnych samochodów potrzebowałaby około 20 lat lub nawet więcej, aby osiągnąć taki przebieg, jeśli w ogóle byłyby w stanie taki przejechać. Dzieląc powyższą kwotę przez te 20 lat otrzymujemy kwotę 1450 USD rocznie na naprawy i konserwację, co jest całkiem rozsądnym wynikiem.
Co się zepsuło/wymagało wymiany w Modelu X przez ponad 600 tys. km?
Część pieniędzy była wydana na wymianę opon, w sumie było to 9000 USD. Tesloop nie zawsze zmieniała wszystkie na raz, w sumie na przejechanie 400 000 mil zużyto 42 opony. Daje to nieco ponad 10 pełnych cykli opon lub jeden komplet co 40 000 mil.
Innym dużym wydatkiem była między innymi wymiana siedzeń z środkowego rzędu – 5 375 USD. Siedzenia zostały wymienione po przejechaniu 200 000 mil. Problemem okazał się mechanizm poruszania siedzeniami do przodu i do tyłu, a także przechylania ich w celu uzyskania większej przestrzeni z tyłu. Drugim co do wielkości wydatkiem była opłata w wysokości 3 389 USD za „wymianę MCU (ekran dotykowy) i wymianę klapki portu ładowania”. Miało to miejsce po przejechaniu ok. 373 000 mil.
Oto pełna historia serwisowa samochodu:
Przebieg [mile] | Data | Wykonawca | Przedmiot naprawy | Liczba elementów | Opis | Koszt |
12/19/2019 | GoodYear Van | Tire Replacement | 2 | 234/45R18 98V Eagle Touring | $341.44 | |
390,3 | 9/24/2019 | Tesla | Key Fob | 2 | 2 new Key Fobs | $361.35 |
388,594 | 8/30/2019 | Tesla | Brake Replacement | 1 | All new brakes, and diagnostic | $1,788.01 |
379,357 | 5/24/2019 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | 275/45R20 Nexen Rears | $383.70 |
373,875 | 04.11.2019 | Tesla | MCU | 1 | MCU (Touchscreen) Replacement, Chargeport Door replacement | $3,389.83 |
373,87 | 04.11.2019 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Airbag buckle – found while repairing MCU | $115.63 |
373,87 | 04.04.2019 | Tesla | Touchscreen | 1 | Diagnosis for MCU being blank (vehicle driveable) | $175.00 |
12.07.2018 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | 2 new front tires | $392.61 | |
355,367 | 11/28/2018 | Tesla | Battery Replacement | 2 | 12v Battery, 2 Key Fob | $484.44 |
355,367 | 11/28/2018 | Tesla | Battery Replacement | Refunded | ||
349,664 | 10/16/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Rear Tires 275/45/20 | $377.70 |
343,5 | 9/22/2018 | Paulee Body Shop | Parts | Windshield Replacement | $1,400.00 | |
320,782 | 7/23/2018 | Tesla | Reference Number | RONC9824039854 | $262.00 | |
317,037 | 7/14/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Assy. Fender Garnish FR, RH MDL X | $51.00 |
317,037 | 7/14/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Assy. Fender Garnish FR, LH MDL X | $51.00 |
317,037 | 7/14/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Primary seal FR LH -MX | $45.00 |
317,037 | 7/14/2018 | Tesla | Other | Labor | $43.75 | |
317,037 | 7/14/2018 | Tesla | Other | Sales Tax | $13.98 | |
317,037 | 7/14/2018 | Tesla | Invoice Number | Hight Voltage Battery Replacement | $204.73 | |
319,25 | 07.09.2018 | GoodYear Van | Tire Replacement | 4 | New tires needed | $704.43 |
315,161 | 07.04.2018 | B&H Towing | Towing | Vehicle died with 56 milles | $127.50 | |
308,432 | 6/23/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 5 | Replaced rear drive unit | $0.00 |
308,432 | 6/23/2018 | Tesla | Wheel Alignment | 1 | Performed four wheel alignment | $0.00 |
308,41 | 6/19/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Replaced 12v battery | $0.00 |
6/17/2018 | Van Lingen | Towing | Tow due to running out of charge (46 miles_8:51am) | $0.00 | ||
307,808 | 6/16/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 1 | Replaced RR tire | $186.03 |
6/15/2018 | Bauman’s Tow Service | Tire Replacement | 1 | Replaced RR tire due to flat | $127.50 | |
302,477 | 06.06.2018 | Tesla | Other | Performed calibration on trunk to get it to open up all the way | $0.00 | |
302,477 | 06.06.2018 | Tesla | Other | Re-adjusted twisted 2nd row drivers side A/C duct | $0.00 | |
302,477 | 06.06.2018 | Tesla | Other | Found no faults or issues with A/C unit per the Limited A/C & Cooling System alerts | $0.00 | |
302,477 | 06.06.2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Replaced front axle shaft diff seal | $169.54 |
298,806 | 5/29/2018 | Mountain View | Vehicle Inspection | Vehicle Inspection | $0.00 | |
298,806 | 5/29/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
287,951 | 05.11.2018 | Tesla | Other | Checked brakes and rotors and found them at 5mm | $0.00 | |
287,951 | 05.11.2018 | Tesla | Other | Adjusted charge port door to sit flush with the body | $0.00 | |
287,951 | 05.11.2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Secured bracket inserts back in place | $0.00 |
287,951 | 05.11.2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Install 12V Battery Plug | $0.00 |
285,612 | 05.07.2018 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
272,487 | 4/15/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Replaced both rear tires | $359.87 |
261,436 | 3/28/2018 | Mountain View | Vehicle Inspection | 250k Vehicle Inspection | $0.00 | |
258,965 | 3/24/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
246,882 | 03.04.2018 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Replaced both front tires | $373.90 |
2/23/2018 | Safelite AutoGlass | Windshield/Window Repair | Windshield chip repair | $79.40 | ||
238,211 | 2/18/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
235,603 | 2/13/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Installed front license plate | $32.83 |
235,603 | 2/13/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Replaced steering wheel switch | $260.00 |
235,603 | 2/13/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 2 | Replaced both middle row seats | $5,375.90 |
235,603 | 2/13/2018 | Tesla | Other | Resured front left wheel garnish | $0.00 | |
235,603 | 2/13/2018 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Made a new/additional key fob | $0.00 |
235,603 | 2/13/2018 | Tesla | Other | Resecured center console sliding door clip | $0.00 | |
227,318 | 1/29/2018 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Replaced both rear tires | $361.98 |
215,164 | 01.08.2018 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
202,786 | 12/18/2017 | Mountain View | Vehicle Inspection | Courtesy 200k Vehicle Inspection & Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
199,781 | 12/13/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Replaced 2 rear tires | $369.87 |
188,85 | 11/24/2017 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Replaced passenger side welcome plate | $0.00 |
184,053 | 11/15/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
175,804 | 11.01.2017 | Tesla | Other | Tesla collected coolant sample | $0.00 | |
171,08 | 10/23/2017 | Tesla | Wheel Alignment | 1 | Four Wheel Alignment | $0.00 |
167,402 | 10/16/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 4 | Replaced all tires | $731.70 |
166,449 | 10/13/2017 | Tesla | Parts | Fixed broken axle, Replaced front halfshaft assembly, brake pads/rotors & rear left bearing | $2,393.62 | |
166,449 | 10/13/2017 | Tesla | Parts | Replaced 2nd row left & right side catcher bracket | $232.00 | |
166,19 | 10.11.2017 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
160,709 | 9/26/2017 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Recall: Replace LH and RH Parking Brake Calipers | $0.00 |
160,709 | 9/26/2017 | Tesla | Other | Updated key fobs with new firmware update | $0.00 | |
158,114 | 9/18/2017 | Tesla | Battery Replacement | 1 | Replace 12V Battery | $133.39 |
9/17/2017 | Van Lingen | Towing | Tow due to running out of charge | $255.22 | ||
151,97 | 8/28/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | Replaced 2 front tires | $369.09 | |
151,97 | 8/28/2017 | Mountain View | Vehicle Inspection | Vehicle Inspection | $0.00 | |
143,979 | 08.02.2017 | Tesla | Parts | 2 | Replaced falcon wing door B-pillar switches | $109.35 |
138,953 | 7/19/2017 | Tesla | Other | Firmware Update | $0.00 | |
137,126 | 07.11.2017 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Front fender garnish replaced | $92.87 |
135,927 | 07.05.2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Replaced both rear tires | $372.36 |
130,647 | 06.10.2017 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
126,223 | 05.08.2017 | Mountain View | Tire Inspection | Courtesy Tire Inspection | $0.00 | |
119,038 | 04.12.2017 | Tesla | Other | Resecured front shotgun seat carpet | $0.00 | |
119,038 | 04.12.2017 | Tesla | Other | Resecured drivers side falcon wing door trim | $0.00 | |
119,038 | 04.12.2017 | Tesla | Wheel Alignment | 1 | Wheel Alignment | $166.25 |
115,368 | 04.05.2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Tire replacement – 2 rear tires | $354.88 |
115,362 | 04.05.2017 | Tesla | Other | 1 | New Key | $152.30 |
115,362 | 04.05.2017 | Tesla | Air Conditioning | 1 | A/C Repair – Replace compressor | $0.00 |
94,18 | 2/25/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 4 | Tire replacement | $702.17 |
94,18 | 2/25/2017 | Mountain View | Vehicle Inspection | Vehicle Inspection | $0.00 | |
91,168 | 2/20/2017 | Tesla | Parts | 2 | New Windshield Wiper Blades | $59.81 |
1/28/2017 | Aarco Towing | Other | Towing due to blown tires | $660.00 | ||
77,235 | 1/28/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Tire replacement, rear tires | $362.70 |
72,384 | 1/18/2017 | Tesla | Air Conditioning | 1 | A/C Electric Compressor | $987.36 |
75 | 1/14/2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | Install 2 Front Tires & Check A/C System/Compressor | $0.00 | |
68 | 01.07.2017 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 4 | Tire replacement | $1,011.59 |
39,25 | 11.02.2016 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 1 | 275/48R20XL Conti LX CrossCon 110v | $422.86 |
30,277 | 10/28/2016 | Tesla | Mirrors | 1 | vandalism at Fox Hills | $356.43 |
14,814 | 9/28/2016 | Tesla | Parts | 1 | Received complimentary sunshade | $0.00 |
9,725 | 09.02.2016 | Mountain View | Tire Replacement | 2 | Tire replacement | $573.87 |
5 | 8/27/2016 | 10 Minute Tires Inc | Tire Replacement | 1 | P275/4520 – Used Tire | $111.75 |